Sonia Minards Sonia Minards

Signs the spark in your relationship has gone, and what you can do about it

Relationships are rarely linear, we can have periods of uncertainty, ambivalence, and stuckness. Often this can include a lack of desire and intimacy - be it sexual, romantic, or that intimate connection that we once shared with our partner. This can leave us wondering where the spark went - what was once a roaring fire of connection, intimacy and desire can become elusive or perhaps completely absent.

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Sonia Minards Sonia Minards

Resolution Reset For Mental Wellbeing

As we move towards the end of this challenging year many of us are thinking about what 2021 will bring.

What are your expectations and resolutions for 2021?

Do they include a focus on how to support your mental wellbeing?

Do you need some inspiration for how to prioritise your wellbeing?

I'll be joining the fab team at Elemental Wellbeing Ltd with Catherine Marshall and Andy Coughlin on the 12th January to talk about this, and to look back at what we learnt in 2020 about our own mental wellbeing needs and how best to support them.

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Sonia Minards Sonia Minards

Therapy in the City

Why the impact of COVID-19 means now is the time to embrace the role of corporate therapists to support the rising mental health crisis in the workplace

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Sonia Minards Sonia Minards

Speaker series with E2W

Mental health and the workplace: why it’s so important right now, and what we can do to support it.

The impact of COVID-19 and the related physical and mental impacts of this period has meant that caring for our mental health has become a priority in a way we haven’t seen before, this is especially the case within the workplace. In this session Sonia will share her thoughts and experiences, including the role therapists and counsellors can play during this period

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