Resolution Reset For Mental Wellbeing

As we move towards the end of this challenging year many of us are thinking about what 2021 will bring. What are your expectations and resolutions for 2021? Do they include a focus on how to support your mental wellbeing? Do you need some inspiratio…

As we move towards the end of this challenging year many of us are thinking about what 2021 will bring.
What are your expectations and resolutions for 2021?
Do they include a focus on how to support your mental wellbeing?
Do you need some inspiration for how to prioritise your wellbeing?

I'll be joining the fab team at Elemental Wellbeing Ltd with Catherine Marshall and Andy Coughlin on the 12th January to talk about this, and to look back at what we learnt in 2020 about our own mental wellbeing needs and how best to support them.


Why now is the time for companies to embrace vulnerability & tackle mental health


In the wise words of Brené Brown“We don’t have to do it all alone. We were never meant to”