Demystifying relationship counselling

Find out more about what relationship counselling is in the article I wrote for the Counselling Directory…

If you’ve ever thought about having relationship counselling but you want to understand more about what it is before you think about dipping your toe in the water that’s completely understandable. In this article I tackle some of the common questions, including:

      • Are confused about what relationship counselling involves?

      • Have wondered who it’s for?

      • Are not sure how or if it can help with some of the key relationships in your life?

      • Don’t know how to go about starting

I want to help demystify these questions to give you a sense of what relationship counselling involves, and if you are interested to find out more then to encourage you to consider relationship counselling for any of the key relationships in your life.

So what is relationship counselling?

We care deeply about the key relationships in our lives, but it’s also natural that they’re not always smooth sailing. External events can affect our core relationships, we can drift apart, we can stop communicating in a way that’s constructive, or maybe we’re simply not as close as we once were.

Relationship, or couples counselling, works with these times of difficulty or disconnection. It seeks to help you both to learn about the issues that are happening right now, how’s they’re impacting your relationship, and offers tools to change how you’re relating to each other about what’s going on.

Just like individual counselling, couples counselling can vary in approach based on different models and tools that the practitioner is trained in. This can sometimes be confusing, but what I believe matters the most for the couple is that the counselling is focused on supporting your relationship, working as a cheerleader for your relationship. It creates a facilitated supportive space to help you see how you both contribute to the bits that aren’t working as well as you’d hope, and to work together to adapt your ways of relating.

Relationship counselling typically focuses on communication patterns, helps you work through topics that you maybe struggling to discuss and resolve on your own, and supports you to face into the inevitable conflict and uncertainty that come up in relationships.

Who is it for?

This is one of my favourite questions. There’s often a view that relationship counselling is just for romantic couples, that doesn’t have to be true. Most of us experience challenges in our close relationships at different times, whether that’s with friends, colleagues, family members, and yes romantic partners.

Relationship counselling can be a great way to give any of these key relationships support at times of challenge and stuckness.

How can it help?

We all need support at times, and including in our key relationships. Relationship counselling aims to build better understanding, communication, and behaviours by:

  • Learning about your patterned ways of relating, and practical tools to help change those that aren’t working

  • Gaining better understanding of the impacts of your behaviours on the other person

  • Working on changing communication patterns that aren’t working

  • Building a new muscle to increase your levels of understanding, vulnerability, and support within your relationship

Of course such changes come with hard work, persistence and bravery in showing up and try to relate differently. I believe coming to relationship counselling shows how much to care about your relationship and the other person, its a real act of devotion to your relationship. In return a relationship counsellor can help you both move forwards in a more connected and meaningful way.

The link to the original article on the Counselling Directory is here: Relationship problems: Demystifying relationship Counselling


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